is like Hulu for fans of animation, games, nostalgia, fantasy, & sci-fi


When VRV first launched in November 2016, one critic called it a “streaming service for geeks”—and that's not a bad thing. Built by Crunchyroll, VRV brings the best of animation, gaming, comedy, fantasy, and science to fans in one place.

The app has over 20,000 hours of free content with the option of paid subscriptions for shiny premium content and neat features like offline viewing. Channel Partners included Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Curiosity Stream, and more.

VRV in 50 seconds

What I Did

As a Lead Product Designer, I worked closely with product, marketing, and engineering teams to identify the right problems to solve and ensured our solutions satisfied the goals of both the business and our audience. I also served as the US-based manager supporting the team's growth, processes, and delivery.

What I Used

Heads up! This is not a deep case study.

Due to NDAs, I can't dive into too much detail about my work here. Feel free to reach out if you're curious to learn more.

over 4+ years I helped

Launch & Evolve VRV

i helped with

Discovery & Validation Research

I worked closely with two stellar researchers to discover and validate new features and ideas using a variety of methods including surveys, data analysis, user interviews, focus groups, live prototype testing, journey maps, card sorting, and more.

User Testing
Archetype Brainstorming
Archetype Definition